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Please help gather data regarding issues and successes of winter recreation to assist Inyo National Forest staff with Winter Travel Planning.

We need your photos and experiences.
Use an exciting app to make your voice heard about how you would like to see the forest used in winter! 

What's happening?

The Inyo National Forest is engaging in Winter Travel Planning in 2022. We believe the formal process will begin in May. For about two more weeks, until approximately mid-April 2022, the Forest will accept data from the RIMS application (information below) regarding user experiences.

What can I do?

Please share your thoughts and observations regarding your experiences with winter recreation on the Inyo with Forest staff through the Colorado Mountain Club’s (CMC) Recreation Impact Monitoring System (RIMS) App. This intuitive, comprehensive, and engaging iPhone- and Android-based application allows users to log data directly to a dashboard that the Forest Service has access to, so they can see recreation stats in near-real time. With everyone’s help, we will be able to provide as comprehensive a picture of winter uses, including any trespass or illegal motorized use in non-motorized areas. Our Forest needs to understand how folks are engaging in winter recreation on the Inyo, including the issues they encounter. 

If you haven’t already done so, head to this page to download the app, learn about it, and watch an instructional video on how to use it. We only have a few weeks left of the snow season to get meaningful data that will inform Over-Snow Vehicle (OSV) planning to the Forest!

Points of Information and Opportunities for Advocacy

The official kickoff of analysis for Subpart C of Travel Management will begin with formal scoping probably in May 2022. Subpart C of the Travel Management Rule (36 CFR 212, Subpart C) requires the Inyo to designate roads, trails, and areas on Forest lands where OSV use is allowed in areas of the forest where snowfall is adequate.

As part of the process, the Forest must develop an Over-Snow Vehicle Use Map (OSVUM), which identifies the roads, trails and areas where OSV use will be designated. This map will be based on environmental analysis and public comment.

The Forest is required to consider how to minimize impacts to soils, water, vegetation, and other forest resources, and minimize harassment and disturbance to wildlife where OSV use occurs. 

Support Friends of the Inyo's advocacy efforts for a conservation-focused plan to encourage the Forest to incorporate the best available science. Please ask the Forest Service to emphasize the minimization of impacts to the winter ecosystem and wildlife in their plan.

Please advocate for the Forest to produce, in addition to the OSVUM, an implementation plan that would include guidance on plans for staging areas, signage, education, and enforcement.

Please make your voice heard!


Friends of the Inyo
621 W Line St Suite 201  | Bishop, California 93514
(760) 873-6500 | info@friendsoftheinyo.org

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