| We at Friends of the Inyo condemn the attack on the Capitol by rioters and the efforts to undermine the peaceful transfer of presidential power. In contrast to the Black Lives Matter protests this summer, the obvious double standard in response by law enforcement is unacceptable and we support the efforts to rectify this. We are committed to doing our part to help work toward equitable democratic representation for all. |
| | Hello, Though we continue to live through unprecedented times, we at Friends of the Inyo are encouraged by the incredible support that you, our members, have shown to us. We are grateful to you as we look toward 2021, confident and ready to continue our dedicated work. In this issue of the Juniper, watch CBS News's, "Eye on Earth," featuring FOI Policy Director, Jora Fogg, which highlights the campaign to protect Long Valley from the de-watering by LADWP. Read an update on our campaign to protect Conglomerate Mesa. K2 Gold has completed Phase 1 of their exploration plans, and we continue to monitor the impacts of their activity. And finally, learn about the opportunity to submit comments to encourage the US Fish and Wildlife Service to list the whitebark pine as a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act. From all of us at Friends of the Inyo, we wish you a happy new year and all the best for 2021. Sincerely, Kyle Hamada Communications Director |
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| | | K2 Completes Phase 1 Exploratory Drilling on Conglomerate Mesa In mid-November 2020, K2 Gold completed their Phase 1 exploration plans for Conglomerate Mesa. While K2 Gold is awaiting the rest of their drill results, they are progressing their much more devastating Phase 2 exploration plans which include miles of new road construction and 120 new drill holes. Friends of the Inyo and local partners are monitoring the drill sites and found that K2 Gold's work has well surpassed the 0.2-acre disturbance cap issued by the Ridgecrest BLM. FOI and partners submitted a letter to the BLM highlighting diesel spills, hydraulic oil spills, new trail development, and the sheer size of drill site impacts. |
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|  |  | Whitebark Pine considered for listing as a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is considering listing the whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis) as a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act and has opened a 60-day public comment period which closes on February 1, 2021. The whitebark pine is an iconic conifer species of the Eastern Sierra occurring at high-elevation sites, generally between 9,000 and 12,100 feet. It is a special status species for the Inyo National Forest and there are about 95,000 acres mapped on the Forest where whitebark is either the dominant or co-dominant species. Whitebark pine is very long-lived, with many individuals reaching ages of 1,000 years and older. It is considered a keystone species, meaning it has a disproportionately large effect on the communities in which it occurs and is a major food source for many species of birds and mammals. |
| | | Support Friends of the Inyo in 2021 Because of your generous support in 2020, we were able to accomplish so much during such a challenging year. You can make a difference in 2021 by making a meaningful donation to support our programs that will help protect and care for the Eastern Sierra next year. Thank you! |
| | | Read about all we've been able to accomplish in 2020! |
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| |  | Featured this month is Kyle Hamada, Communications Director at Friends of the Inyo. Kyle manages all communications that come from FOI like our magazine, organizes events like the Owens Lake Bird Festival, and much more. When he's not working, he and his wife are camping in the Eastern Sierra, climbing, and cooking delicious camp breakfasts. |
| | Forever spring, summer, winter, or fall and why? Kyle: Spring, because the weather is nice for desert camping and it's warming up for alpine climbing. If next Monday were a holiday, what activity in the Eastern Sierra would you choose to do? I'd go camping at Conglomerate Mesa. Choose one perfect fit: running/hiking shoes or ski/snowboard boots? Hiking shoes! All-time favorite book: "The Connundrum" by David Owen Current favorite song: "Back in the Van" by The Night Game Favorite donut: Chocolate cake with chocolate glaze from Hings! Lightning round! Say the first word that comes to your mind: salsa - picante floppy disk - R.I.P. superhero - tights! coffee - donuts! Harry Potter - 9 3/4 |
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|  | Fall 2020 Jeffrey Pine Journal You can read our fall 2020 issue of the Jeffrey Pine Journal, our biannual magazine, online now. Our latest issue features articles on Conglomerate Mesa, reflections from our Trail Ambassadors, the Sierra Trash Eliminators, and Solitude Canyon. You can also read a beautiful featured piece by local author, Kendra Atleework, about life during the pandemic and wildfires. Read the latest Jeffrey Pine Journal online today. |
| | |  | Thank you Perry Motors! We'd like to offer a sincere thank you to our community partners at Perry Motors in Bishop for making our vehicle-buying experience pleasurable. We were able to secure a dependable vehicle that will last us for decades to come. Thank you for your friendly service! |
| | Reminder: New Office Location |
|  | I'd like to remind you that we have moved from our previous location on Barlow Lane to a new downtown office on West Line Street. Please also take a moment to update our address in your contact records so that all donations and correspondence will go to the right address. Friends of the Inyo 621 W. Line St., Suite 201 Bishop, CA 93514 |
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|  | Want to support Friends of the Inyo? Consider making a donation online today! Thank you for your generous support |
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| Friends of the Inyo appreciates the following organizations and local businesses for their generous sponsorship of our programs: |
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| | | Friends of the Inyo 621 W Line St Suite 201 | Bishop, California 93514 (760) 873-6500 | info@friendsoftheinyo.org |
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